Powered by data, fuelled by passion
minoanDesign has been active as a digital agency since 2007 offering services in web development and online marketing. Committed to innovative online applications and solutions, minoanDesign meets the market requirements for ideas, driven by customer wants and needs. The company is known for its quality and timely service. Due to our dedication, minoanDesign is considered a leading force in online marketing. The company is named after Crete's Minoan civilisation whose style is characterised by symmetry, simplicity and clarity.
Be curious.
The world is constantly changing, and the more we ask, explore, wonder, understand, and ideate on, the more we can accomplish. Curiosity helps us understand what’s happening today, so we can define what’s possible tomorrow for ourselves and for you.
Care greatly.
About our work. About our partners. About each other. We’re at our best when we care about what designing demand, who we’re doing it for, and why we’re even doing it in the first place. By opening up our hearts, we create human connections that benefit everyone.
Adapt & Respond.
Change is inevitable, so it is those who welcome it and react effectively that succeed. That’s why we find not uncertainty in change, but wonder & possibility in it. It’s a new opportunity to create, to collaborate, and to change our world for the better.
Simply believe.
There’s magic to be discovered through business, technology, and creativity. It’s in there, in us, and in you, but only if you believe in it. When you do, we can transform businesses and inspire people to engage with brands — even to fall in love with them.
Ρακί & Τσίπουρο
Happy customers
& counting
Average Website Delivery
Support ticket response

- Websites
- Web Applications
- Mobile Applications
- Ecommerce
- Landing Pages
- Site Speed Optimization

- Website Design
- Social Media Advertising
- Brand Development
- User Experience Design

- Social media advertising
- Conversion Rate Optimization
- Display advertising
- Pay-Per-Click
- Search Engine Optimization